Incubating Coops and Support Local Businesses
Using fundamentals of cooperative economics, namely shared/democratic ownership & democratic control, & are committed to fighting the general & racial wealth gaps.
The SCNTR helped support the creation of the Local Farm Cooperative.
The Local Farm Cooperative was incorporated as a cooperative business in 2018 & is located in the Mill Village neighborhood of Selma, AL (at 300 ½ Wheeler Ave.). It is organized using cooperative economics, namely shared/democratic ownership & democratic control, & is committed to local food & fighting the general & racial wealth gaps.
The co-op is in development & will grow & shift as our pilot phases continue to unfold. Our origin story dates back some years & has evolved along the way as a labor of love & commitment, including gifts of time, treasure & talent by plenty of folks.
We are made up of Worker-Owners & Community-Owners, both of who have the right to representation on our Board. We are currently recruiting for Community-Owners--would you like to support local produce, grown in Selma? Would you like discounts on our produce, on garden installations at your home, & on renting our land for family & community events? Learn more about our other members at www.thelocal.coop/our-people
If you are interested in helping us build this work & the local economy, or just want to learn more, email us at drew@thelocal.coop or call or text us at 334-526-0767--we are looking for:
Volunteers for the co-op
Additional owners of the co-op (mainly Community-Owners at this point, but potential additional Worker-Owners & potentially Producer-Owners (other farmers & producers who want to partner for common goals & to build more revenue together))
And anyone interested in food, culture, farming, & everything in between…
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